Minutes – November 3, 2016
November 3, 2016 ELVN Meeting Minutes
In attendance:
Michael Zink
Jim Spencer
Beth Murphy
Tom Rothschild
Marty Wallace
Maggie Koehler
Chester Kropidlowski
Terie Kata
Heather Way-Kitzes
Bruce Handler
Patrick Nagle
Jean O’Neill
Kit Welch
Aileen Tien
Mark Lundgren
Patrick Carlson
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.
Jim opened the meeting thanking the Cubs, OEMC, the Department of Homeland Security, our Aldermen, and the Mayor’s office for their great work during the playoffs and the World Series. Jim will send a letter of thanks to the Ricketts family and to Mayor Emanuel.
44th Ward
Ald. Tunney was present and said the past month has been devoted almost exclusively to the safety of the neighborhood during the playoffs, especially in the last 3 weeks when it was his office’s full-time focus. He said that he talks often with Ald. Cappleman about our community.
There may be an announcement in the next week about Lakeview High School. The Mayor has committed to spending $20 million in capital on it. The high school is in the 47th ward but there is no high school in the 44th ward. He said that it must be improved to become the feeder high school for both wards.
Terie said that security was good during the playoffs, but questioned why the Irving Park exit on I-90 was closed on the night of the pennant clinching. Ald. Tunney said that he was not involved in that decision but surmises that it was closed to block people from the suburbs from coming near Wrigley Field, since they do not know the area as well and because Wrigley Field and its surroundings were already extremely crowded.
Beth asked who paid for the extra security measures. Ald. Tunney says that tourism and amusement funds paid for it and that the budget included $100 million in police overtime, so it was all paid by the city. Ald. Tunney stated that it was important to show the world the safety of Chicago during these high profile moments. Chester said that security was good and he even saw FBI agents and Homeland Security agents.
46th Ward
Ald. Cappelman was present and said that the Loukas development at Sheridan has to go through the Zoning Board of Appeals, and it is on the docket.
The work at the 3901 former gas station is beginning.
The David Gassman demolition at the building with the eagles is almost done.
Regarding the Gill Park playlot, there will be new equipment arriving in the spring.
The Maryville site on Clarendon will be underway soon as well.
The sewer main project from Irving to Belmont will last for about 1 year.
There will be unprecedented economic development in Wards 44 and 46 in the next 5-10 years.
Terie asks why nothing is being done to improve the Sheridan “el” stop when there are nearby developments being constantly approved. Ald. Cappelman says that to do it correctly the curve at the Sheridan stop has to be straightened. The Sheridan stop will be in Phase 2 of project, but he does not know when that will start. The stop will not be ADA compliant the way that it is currently configured. Similarly, if areas with lead paint are merely painted over, that practice triggers ADA application as well. Beth says she asked a CTA liaison when Phase 2 starts and that person did not know.
Heather was present and attended Game 7 of the World Series last night in Cleveland. She said that letters of thanks to the Ricketts and to the Mayor are good ideas. She echoed Jim’s prior words of thanks to the many organizations involved in maintaining safety during the playoffs and World Series. She acknowledged that much of the work was invasive and thanked the community for its patience.
Tomorrow the parade-staging buses and trollies will be on Waveland Avenue. They will leave Wrigley at 10:00 a.m. sharp, turn south on Sheffield, turn east on Addison to Lake Shore Drive, exit at Michigan Avenue and will drive to Columbus and eventually make it to Grant Park for the rally. More than 3 million people are expected to attend the parade route and rally. The Mayor’s Office of Special Events is running the parade. The rally will begin at 11:00 and will run 75-90 minutes.
Wrigley Field will be active tomorrow morning and afternoon with team photos. Additionally, at 9:30 p.m. tomorrow night there will be a brief fireworks display at a private event for Cubs associates and their families. Terie asked about parking restrictions. Heather stated that the restrictions will be the same as those implemented during the World Series games at Wrigley Field.
Bruce asked Heather how to reconcile the Cubs’ refusal to hold watch parties during road playoff games with their hosting of increasing numbers of concerts each summer. He suggested a $5.00 entry for donation to charity and that such watch parties would be a way for the Cubs to show their support for East Lakeview, in light of their failure to donate virtually anything for the Oktoberfest silent auction this year. Heather acknowledged Bruce’s comments.
Developer Presentation
Lakeview Ace owner Joe Lomanto and his business partner and attorney were present to speak. He is requesting a zoning change from B(1)(2) to B(3)(5). The store has been here for 30 years, and he has owned the building for 17 years. It is perfect for a TOD and he has received offers to sell, but he has refused to sell because he knows that a new owner would not keep it in tune with the community or be regularly present as he is.
Burger Hub, Artemio’s Bakery, and Ace would all return in the new development, and he is working on the other commercial tenants to convince them to return. He wants neighborhood businesses in there, and it is critical to get the commercial tenants set up before the residential ones. Artemio’s Bakery has a Logan Square location to use in the meantime, and the Ace crew is going to his other store in Jefferson Park, so few if any employees in the current building will have their jobs interrupted.
All local people would be running the project. It is approximately 144 feet from the end of the building to the Sheridan “el” stop. Ace would be in the same spot, and Artemio’s would be located almost in its same space. Ace would gain about 5000 square feet in the project. The back of property will have parking spaces and there would be a residential lobby on the Dakin side. The existing loading space would remain, and a new loading space would be created on Dakin at the residential lobby. It would effectively add a new street parking space.
There would be fitness and bike rooms in the basement. It is proposed to be a 7-story building. Floors 2-7 would have 20 units per floor, mostly with 1 bedroom. There would be a total of 120 units, ranging from 600-800 square feet in the 1-bedroom/studio units, and 1000 square feet for 2-bedroom units. There would be a rooftop deck and no grill, with a green space on the roof. The rooftop would be approximately 2000 square feet.
At 78 feet, he is proposing to fit the building under the 80-foot height that the community desires as a limit. The Lucien Lagrange building to be developed across the street (former Tac-Quick building) will be 65 feet high. The design will be brick, similar to the brick design of the nearby storage building. The retail space would continue to have space for sidewalk use, as is currently enjoyed by the community. There would be 16 parking spaces, which would be permitted under the TOD regulations.
Joe noted the good of having a great deal of turnover in meter parking on that stretch of Sheridan. He is going to be at the property regularly and will be actively involved in every phase of it. The entire site is 23,000 square feet. Joe is requesting a letter of support from ELVN, and because the project will cost more than $10 million, it first goes to the community and then to the Zoning Committee.
New Business
Brandon Cunningham spoke about the revamped Kelly Park. He lives on Dakin and has 2 children. The former play equipment was torn out with virtually no notice, and the park district put almost nothing back in its place, especially for younger children. As Gill Park officially runs Kelly, Gill, and Challenger parks, he talked to the park manager. The manager said that the parks need a park advisory council. Brandon is initiating it. Please e-mail him at kellyparkadvisory@gmail.com if you are interested in getting involved. Heather said that the Cubs like to build parks and could help. Terie says the police and community does a good job keeping problematic people out of Kelly Park.
Bruce wants to ask the aldermen about the promised 1,000 police officers in 2 years. The aldermen have already left the meeting. Bruce says that classes last 6 months, and there are 80 candidates in the classes right now, meaning that to reach 1,000 officers there would have to be 6 classes per year for 2 years which is extremely unrealistic. He wants to know how they expect to train 1,000 officers with 6 classes per year and whether there are opportunities to expand the academy to make sure that we have our promised 1,000 officers. Chester says that having ELVN at CAPS meetings could help the discussion.
Jim thanks Officer Tom Walsh, who is present, for his work during the playoffs and World Series.
Closed Session
Regarding Joe Lomanto’s presentation, the only point of concern is the floor height/number of units. The Executive Board voted to ask Joe to reduce the project by one floor due to concern to make the height and density more favorable, and to make every reasonable attempt to accommodate the current commercial tenants to provide incentive for them to return after the project is complete.
Regarding Oktoberfest, per Patrick’s prior report in October the event grossed slightly more than $25,000. Patrick will type a recap. After discussion, the Executive Board voted to spend $10,250 of this year’s funds as follows:
19th District Police Appreciation Day: $750
Lakeview Pantry: $2,500
House of the Good Shepherd: $1,500
Fire House: $750
Greeley: $1,000
Inter-American: $1,000
Lakeview High School: $1,000
LGBT youth program at 4th Presbyterian Church: $1,500
Migratory bird sanctuary: $250
The Executive Board discussed and voted to use the remainder of this year’s funds for projects to be organized by ELVN. Some suggestions included purchasing benches for Kelly Park and hosting a summer and/or back-to-school festival.
The annual holiday party will be December 6 at 7:00 p.m. at Murphy’s Bleachers. The awards outlined above will be announced that night and distributed to recipients who attend.
Chester mentioned that he would like to discuss the Wrigley Field parking during the playoffs and World Series at a future meeting and provide suggestions for improvement.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Jim stated that the November ELVN meeting will include a closed session among Board members to determine the recipient charities for the funds raised at Oktoberfest.