Take the Survey: Last Chance to Weigh In on Wrigley Renovations!

ELVN urges you to share your opinions on the changes that are being passed for Wrigley Field and the surrounding area.
We are extremely concerned that the issues have not been clearly defined and are being passed without any vetting. EVERYTHING on the Cubs’ wish list could be APPROVED by July 25th City Council meeting.
It is important that you express your opinions by completing the resident’s survey. The time to act is TODAY!
What are the Details?
This document highlights some of the significant changes included in the Cubs’ proposal (.pdf).
What Can I Do?
Visit the website and take the survey at www.wrigleyresidents.com. A report based on survey results will be given to the City Council.
What Else Can I Do?
Be advised, the process to get City approval of the FRAMEWORK is quickly moving forward. Note the following schedule of future meetings. All meetings will be in City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., 2nd Floor, in City Council Chambers. We are asking for your support at the following meetings:
July 18, 11 AM – Plan Commission
The Wrigley Field Planned Development is the last item on the agenda and will be heard after the lunch break , about 1:30 PM. The entire Planned Development is on the agenda (Ballpark, Hotel, Office, Plaza, Media Building, Bleacher Walls, and Signage)
July 23, 10 AM – Zoning Committee
The Zoning Committee will receive testimony and then vote on the Planned Development.
July 24, 10 AM – City Council
The full City Council could vote on the Planned Development.
It is important that our community be fully represented at all meetings and the City and Mayor’s Office hear the concerns of the East Lake View community. Plan to attend if you can.