Lake View Needs Your Support!

Via Lake View Citizens’ Council


Dear Neighbors:

As many of us in the Lake View community are aware, this week will be an important milestone in the development not just of Wrigley Field, but a significant amount of the adjacent properties including the “Triangle” and former McDonald’s property.

Alderman Tunney has been fighting for the quality of life for our residents and needs your support this week.  You may be aware that Alderman Tunney is still seeking modifications to the planned development that is being reviewed by the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards.

Specifically, he is seeking a relocation of the hotel entrance away from Patterson Street, elimination of the pedestrian bridge over Clark and a 10 year moratorium on additional signage.  In addition, further plans to implement the Neighborhood Protections that were part of the original framework (protection, remote parking and traffic management) need to be agreed upon.

How do you feel about the proposed development?  Please make your voice heard at the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards meeting!


WHEN: TODAY, Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at 11:00am
WHERE: City Hall, Council Chambers, 121 N LaSalle St., 2nd floor, Chicago IL 60602