CAPS Meeting Reminder
“Lakeview Crime Shows Little Signs of Slowing Despite Summer’s End”
“Robbers Steal Cellphones, Wallets Near Wrigley Field: Police”
Our community is experiencing an increasing “Crime on the Streets” problem as evidenced by the news captions that now routinely appear in our Lake View Community newsletters.
You have an opportunity to get more information and to express your concerns regarding criminal activity in our community at CAPS meetings. CAPS meetings that include Beats 1923, 1924, and 1925, the Beats that East Lake View Neighbors (ELVN) is in, are normally held at 7 PM on the 1st Wednesday of the month at the 19th District Police Station Community Room (850 W. Addison). ELVN is normally represented at these meetings.

The next CAPS meeting for our East Lake View Neighbors community is Wednesday, November 4, 2015.
What Is CAPS?
The partnership between police and community is the foundation of Chicago’s own philosophy of community policing, known as CAPS – the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy. CAPS brings the police, the community, and other City agencies together to identify and solve neighborhood crime problems, rather than simply react to their symptoms after the fact. Problem solving at the neighborhood level is supported by a variety of strategies, including neighborhood-based beat officers; regular Beat Community Meetings involving police and residents; extensive training for both police and community; more efficient use of City services that impact crime; and new technology to help police and residents target crime hot spots.
CAPS has monthly community meetings where residents have the opportunity to talk to the officers who patrol their neighborhood. Residents are encouraged to bring questions or concerns regarding safety, quality of life issues and City services.
In the robberies, multiple male offenders approached the victim on the street or in an alley and used force to steal wallets and cell phones, police said.
The following robberies in Lakeview were reported:
- At 3 a.m. Oct. 10 on the 3600 block of North Sheffield Avenue
- At 11 p.m. Oct. 10 in the 3600 block of North Clark Street
- At 2:40 a.m. Oct. 11 in the 1100 block of West Addison Street
- At 7:30 p.m. Oct. 15 in the 2800 block of North Ashland Avenue
In the incident on Sheffield, both offenders were described as black males, between the ages of 18-21, approximately 5 feet 6 to 6 feet 1, with slim builds, police said.
In the incident on Clark, both offenders were described as black males in their 20s, one with dreadlocks and the other with a shaved head, police said.
In the incident on Addison, both offenders were described as black males, between the ages of 25-32, approximately 6 feet tall, 165 to 180 pounds. One offender had dreadlocks and both wore black jackets and blue jeans. One also wore a black baseball cap, police said.
19th District Beat Meetings in the 44th Ward – 2015
Beat 1922
3rd Wednesday of the month – Revere Park, 2509 W. Irving Park
Beats 1923, 1924, and 1925
1st Wednesday of the month – 19th District Station, 850 W. Addison
Beat 1933
2nd Tuesday of the month – Illinois Masonic Hospital, 836 W. Wellington – 7th Floor
Beats 1934 and 1935
3rd Thursday of the month – Inn at Lincoln Park, 601 W. Diversey
Meetings begin at 7 p.m.
Call the 19th District Community Policing Office at (312) 744-0064 to verify dates/times/locations.
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