CDOT Announcement from Alderman James Cappleman
Via Alderman James Cappleman, 46th Ward
Each year, the 46th Ward receives $1.32 million to use for infrastructure improvements. This money is spent on items that will last one year or more, and most of it typically goes to street repaving, sidewalk replacements, and street lighting. In 2015, the 19th Police District provided input about the installation of police cameras based on prior drug arrests and feedback from residents attending CAPS meetings. Click here to view how menu funds were used for 2015.
Within the next few months, the Chicago Dept of Transportation (CDOT) will meet with me and provide their suggestions about where infrastructure improvements are needed based on 311 records. They also have information about where anticipated utility work will occur so that we don’t tear up a street twice for repair.
Your Assistance is Needed!
You know the condition of the streets, sidewalks and curbs around your home. When you see something that needs repair, please contact me to include it in our 2016 projects. I’ll combine this information with what we get from CDOT to help decide where to spend our limited funds. Feel free to email me at or call my office at 773-878-4646.