Minutes – March 1, 2016

March 1, 2016 ELVN Minutes

In attendance:

Jim Spencer
Michael Zink
Patrick Nagle by his wife Kim Soo
Beth Murphy
Aileen Tien
Marty Wallace
Chester Kropidlowski
Bruce Handler
Mark Lundgren
Terie Kata


Tom Rothschild
Patrick Carlson
Jean O’Neill

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. at the Greeley School Auditorium.

Daniel Egel-Weiss, who is Rep. Feigenholtz’s Legislative and Communications Director, provided a reminder that Illinois residents are not receiving written notice of required license plate renewals during the current lack of a budget. Emissions notices are similarly not being delivered in writing.

Voting on Board Seats

Bruce moved to increase the number of Board seats from 13 to 15.  Michael seconded.  7 of 10 approved, the motion passed, so we are voting on 7 new board seats tonight.

Mark moved to close nominations.  Chester seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Maggie Koehler nominated herself.  She lives at 3751 N. Halsted.  She is from downstate Illinois and moved here with her wife.  She works for the Lakeview East Chamber of Commerce, is a new representative from the Chamber on 46th Ward Zoning Committee, and is an at-large member of LVCC.  Jim seconded her nomination.

Kim Soo Nagle nominated Patrick Nagle, who has been active for decades in East Lakeview and sits on the 46th Ward Zoning Committee.

Chester promoted himself and mentioned multiple activities in which he has participated for decades in East Lakeview, including helping rid the neighborhood of the Chateau Hotel.

Heather Way Kitzes as the Cubs proposed Board member was the former Executive Director of the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce, has lived and worked here for 20 years, has served on many boards here, is a Lakeview Pantry board member, lives in Andersonville but will move here this summer.

Kit Welch has lived here since 2012, is a realtor with a focus on Lakeview, serves on her condominium board and other boards of prior condominiums.

Marty asked to confirm that all candidates are paid active members.

Voting was conducted privately on written ballots.  Results will be disclosed via e-mail tomorrow.


Heather says that the McDonald’s is closed.  There will be ongoing construction in the spring at the hotel location.

The Green Lot parkers will get an e-mail about how to renew the sticker for 2016.  About 150 park there on non-event days.

April 11 is opening night.

The hotel will be constructed in 20-24 months, will have retail spaces, and will have 175 rooms.  Waveland will be re-opened in early April.  March 10 is the Wrigley Field meeting at the 19th District police station.

Chester asks Tressa from the 44th Ward office to add a high corner curb sign at Waveland and Sheffield.


No representative, no report.

New Business

Dean Maragos spoke about the Sutcliffe drug store location on Irving Park and provided handouts.  His client Nick Patel bought the property for $500,000 and will be adding about $200,000 in renovations.  Its hours will be 7 am to midnight.  In the unlikely scenario that it needs to use Irving Park for vendors to deliver loads, he will force them to do so very early and at 1-3 p.m. before rush hour.  60% of the store will be devoted to non-alcohol, while 40% of the space will be alcohol sales.  The ratio required by law is to be at least 51-49.

It is 3,000 square feet, and the deliveries will not be too different from those made at Sutcliffe for the past 30 years.  There will be hard liquor for sale.

Sutcliffe has been been closed for almost 3 years.

In response to a question from Marty, Nick Patel says there will be no LED lights on the windows or anywhere outside.  The windows will have pictures on the bottom of the glass.

They are asking for ELVN’s approval of the project.

Chester spoke about the northbound Halsted No-right-turn-on-to-Broadway sign.  Broadway is to be resurfaced from Belmont to Irving Park.  There is likely little negative effect on traffic if cars were to turn right there.  He is moving to get rid of the sign.

Mark says that Alderman Tunney said there is a report showing a safety issue at that intersection, but he has seen no such report.  Tressa says Alderman Tunney has no position either way and merely wants it to be safe for pedestrians and bikes.  He wants to have it reviewed over next year before making a decision.

Terie says to remove the sign because if there is indeed a safety study to occur there, such a study will be ineffective by definition if there is already a sign in place.  Marty mentioned that the high-rise across the street needs that turn and that he has never seen problems there when walking there, which he does frequently.  He also mentioned that CDOT should come to ELVN about it before posting it and that it also hurts the businesses southbound by forcing drivers to go several blocks out of the way to get on to Broadway.

Maggie says this is not a problem intersection and is likewise worried about access to southbound businesses that she lives near.

Tressa reminds everyone that there have been many meetings about this and that Alderman Tunney is open to additional input on this issue.

Mark moved that ELVN draft a letter to restore the status quo by removing the sign.  Marty seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Aileen spoke about the former Mobile gas station site.  Vermilion Developers wants an 8-story building.  The residents of her building largely but not unanimously support it.  Marty says that some complained that there are only 65 parking spots for a 100-unit building.  Aileen says the 46th Zoning Committee meeting will be March 7 and Vermilion will ask for a change in zoning to build it.  Jim reminds everyone that at the last ELVN meeting the board approved the plan.

Lakeview Pantry:

Kelly O’Connell, its new Executive Director, and Sue Enright were present.  Concrete was poured last week and the move-in is ready for June 2016.  They are increasing the waiting area size to allow for 50 spots to sit inside, so there will be fewer waiting outside.  Upstairs is the office and conference area.  There is no clothing room at the new site, but perhaps one will be created in the future.  The main counter looks like a grocery store checkout counter.

Its capital campaign seeks to raise $3.5 million.  So far it has raised about $2.9 million.  Today is the public launch of the capital campaign to reach the remainder of the goal.

Tressa says Buena Park neighbors are interested in helping.

Terie asks about the good neighbor agreement.  Kelly says it exists and that it should be finalized by May 1.

A community member asks about swing removal at Gill Park.  Tressa says that she is waiting to hear from the park supervisor.  Aileen is a friend of his and will ask him.

Board Executive Session

Regarding the Broadway/Halsted sign, Motion was made for the drafting of a letter advocating removal of the sign and passed.

Regarding the former Sutcliffe store, many said it would be good to have a business there.  Motion to approve the proposed development, with the caveat that the loading zone be exclusively on Clarendon and not on Irving Park in any respect, passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.