Minutes – February 2, 2016
Posted On February 7, 2018
ELVN Minutes
February 2, 2016
- 46th Ward Update – Cappleman
- Meeting with CDOT tomorrow
- Revisit speed bumps on Pine Grove
- Broadway / Halsted slip lane – CDOT says this is unsafe. Removed this slip lane because of safety concerns.
- Belmont Harbor Neighbors is being resurrected, their next meeting is next Tuesday
- Vermilion Development because it’s over $10 million will have to go before 46th Zoning Committee
- Cappleman needs feedback info@james46.org regarding CDOT concerns
- Wrigley Barbeque 3500 N. Broadway – inside defunct Belmont Harbor Neighbors area, but presenting here b/c BHN is still defunct
- Currently BYOB they want liquor license
- Open 3 ½ year, everyone goes to Jewel to for BYOB. Angelina’s has liquor, Joe’s has liquor. Lakeview Presbyterian Church is okay with them getting liquor. Pastor Joy will give Mike letter of recommendation.
- Not looking to open bar, not looking to have a bar area, no bartender. Counter service, you order your BBQ and beer/wine/liquor, then they take it to you when you sit down.
- Teri: Something to consider, is liquor license tied to sale of property?
- Requesting Incidental License: must be some % of food, some % of liquor.
- We took a vote / show of hands to see who would support /oppose liquor license. All supported, no oppositions.
- Vermilion Development
- Kerry Dixon
- Ed Kuss / Zoning attorney
- Howard Hirsch – architect, Hirsch Associates
- Chicago-based developer, River North offices.
- Mixed use development. Harper Court in Hyde Park, partnership with UC, biggest urban development. Touting contribution to community.
- Affordable senior living project in Peoria. Going to put one up in Indiana as well. Student housing in southern portion of US at various colleges.
- Trying to say that they’re focused on Chicago developments.
- Saying they’re not bottom line and want to work with community.
- Talked about his understanding of Sedgwick’s proposal. Thinks his proposal will be appropriate for the site and the community.
- Environment clean up needed – 3 storage tanks (gas) underground that need to be removed.
- 8 story, 100 dwelling units, 65 parking spots. Commercial space on ground floor?
- Going on and on about how economic development would be good for community, removing eye sore of empty gas station.
- Howard Hirsch speaking now.
- Talking about TOD – 1400 feet. This is how he’s going to squeeze more dwelling units, less parking spots. 1400 falls long of this being a TOD.
- Unique mix of buildings – what is he talking about. Corner development strategy, 6 stories up to 52 stories. Talking about tall buildings on street corners.
- How to move forward on zoning standpoint. B3-2 district. Upzone to B3-5 but put it into a planned development, which is supposed to give us a voice in how building will be built. Slightly taller at 75 feet.
- Retail on ground floor. Set back 35 feet from my building.
- As it goes to east, the building is a bit shorter. Has basement, mezzanine area. 2nd floor, building pulls back from our property, except for one jutting out square that goes right up to our property.
- Rotating height down from West to East.
- Building height at highest height is 94 feet.
- Only on 6th floor at the one jutting out point does it extend all the way to my building.
- The rest of the part that extends to my building is 1 floor.
- The parking lot north of gas station is NOT included in development.
- 100 apartments 40% 1, 25% 2, 35% rest convertible studios. Average around 800 sq feet. Proposing 65% parking. Cary believes most developers are going to try for 50%.
- Indoor trash room.
- Loading plaza – faces Sheridan Road, next to my building.
- Small amenity space, fitness center.
- Parking lot will face North Broadway.
- Wanted to push the building to Broadway.
- Tom brings up traffic nightmare with Gasman building and Vermilion building going up at the same time. Cary promises that when they get to that point, they will work with neighborhood to lessen construction / traffic headaches.
- Construction time estimate = 14 months of construction.
- Pedestrian entrance is on Sheridan.
- Their yard will be next to your front yard, so our front yard won’t be blocked off by brick & mortar.
- Retail is 2200 square feet, very small – coffee shop size.
- They will be sending electronic version of building plans to Alderman Cappleman’s office.
- 44th ward update
- Better look up info on the rooftop shooting?? Someone shooting into the air.
- Patterson shooter has been moved to Southern Illinois
- Only one shooter of 3 bad guys charged. Those involved have moved out of the neighborhood.
- 3600 Magnolia – investigation of home invasion continues.
- Next CAPS meeting tomorrow in this room.
- 3/15 elections – early voting starts 2/17, pushed back.
- Lots of voting mumbo jumbo
- Spring Cleaning 4/16, city groups provide cleaning supplies. Call 311 or Tunney office to register.
- Spring 4/19 shred-a-thon at Tunney’s office. Doing another one for October.
- Heather from Cubs
- Construction activities ongoing
- About to demolish MCD’s in 1st week of March, hotel construction will begin around then
- Working through ordinance for plaza property
- Still talking to city about ongoing security initiatives around perimeter of ball park, and Clark & Addison
- Opening date is 4/11, 7:05 game
- Chester checked with old friends to check about security measures, he’s talking a lot and I’m not following. Something about traffic patterns needing to be reviewed. Jim’s cutting him off.
- Plaza ordinance regarding amplified music? Teri asked. Jim says, My sense is that b/c of new people that joined committee the entire thing bloew up. Beth says she knows less about the plaza now than when it first started. So we are nowhere on the amplified sound issue. Jim: We need to reorganize our group to think about how to approach this.
- James Taylor, Jackson Brown, Pearl Jam 8/20-22, Billy Joel 8/26, and then ??. Geezus just look this up on Wrigley site.
- Jim Rafferty: Sausage Fest. This has moved around a lot. Would like to bring back to 3600 Sheffield on a game weekend. 2011-13, then moved due to construction. Talked to cubs, claim a lot of people to bring it back in this area. Idea behind cubs weekend is to have ELVN make some money off this. Any money we get is dependent on how much we volunteer. July 15-17, all one o clock games, up until 10 o clock. Claims that a lot of vendors all over the country are expressing interest in this Fest. Start at first pitch on Friday. It’s now 3 day even as opposed to 2 days. End time is negotiable. Green Curtain is the outfit. Setup would be Friday morning around 4:00am. Who’s the 501-C3 charity groups that are the beneficiaries? Teri: In order to close down the streets, there always need to be a non-profit group. Talking about shutting down our streets for 3-4 days, this is a major concern.
- Jim: Green Curtain has done 7 different fests across neighborhoods. Will only have 8 vendors, no wrap around Waveland. Trying to go with least amount of impact. Only food vendors, no tag along arts & crafts vendors. One stage.
- Flow would be the same as leaving the game, east side of the street will be where food vendors are. How are you going to control people from walking into your Fest, do you have some kind of gate entry point, etc.? Jim basically says they’re still trying to figure that out, and claims they will have some kind of system to identify who should be going into Fest area.
- Maureen: Annoyed with festivals coming in and closing streets, which takes away from businesses that live along those streets. Event producers who are not even from our area, they’re taking business away from the Lakeview/Wrigleyville businesses on the streets being shut down for the festivals.
- Any public street is a “suggested donation”, not a mandatory entrance fee.
- Teri: I can’t even follow at this point.
- Jim should talk to Julie from 44th and Heather from Cubs.
- North on Halsted, can’t make hard right turn onto Broadway. Right by flat-iron building. Next turn available is Irving Park.
- Cappleman: Traffic study. “If CDOT tells me that it’s unsafe to pedestrians, then city is liable for law suit, I don’t want to go against CDOT.” What is the peril for pedestrians there? CDOT is eliminating all those types hard right turns across the cities.
- Mark L. wonders about how we can’t get advance notice of this before it happens. Cappleman insists that CDOT is the expert here. According to traffic study, there were not many people turning right there.
- Jim: Have Cappleman put traffic study up on website?
- Mark wants to table motion and will follow up with Cappleman to discuss the issue further. All agreed.
- Mark: Illegal trucks on Lake Shore drive. Trucks going down Lake Shore Drive, followed up by other trucks, all moving at 50+ miles. I call 911 and I get pushed back, but Alderman tells him to call 911. Need for contractors to tell their drivers not to go down LSD, because LSD is not built for big trucks traveling at high speeds.
- Mark’s motion for resolution to petition city to get city to enforce proper laws of who can drive on LSD and who can’t. Jim will write a letter to CPD about this, and provide copies to CDOT.
- Mark: Concerns about crime in Lakeview. Petition the police for more presence and control. Teri: We were supposed to get 45 more police officers. 25 by 3/31 for our area. 35 in 2016 total. Julie promises they’re checking on this total. Cappleman: This is supposed to be a net increase.
- Chester: Submitting 6 persons for nominations. All 5 existing + Heather, + 1 more person Kit Wells.
- Jean: Kit Wells was nominated for board by Jean.
- Jim: Nominates Terie.
- Jim: Patrick Nagle.
- Jim: Chester.
- Jim: Tom.
- Jim: Heather (Cubs)
- Mark: Jim
- 13 board members, 7 nominated folks
- Should we open it up to 15 people?
- Teri: Set deadline of when we publish a slate?