August 12, 2020 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Mike Zink at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting was held over Zoom Conference Call.

Directors Roll Call

Board Present:

  • Mike Zink, President
  • Patrick Nagle, Vice President
  • Aileen Tien, Treasurer
  • Brian Murphy, Secretary
  • Patrick Carlson
  • Megan Cullen-Grochowiak
  • Brandon Cunningham
  • Terie Kata
  • Gregory Ratcliff
  • Jean O’Neill
  • Tim Lyndsey
  • Heather Way Kitzes
  • Maggie Koehler
  • Tom Rothschild

5th Congressional District Update – Mike Quigley

  • Offices are open for phone and Email
  • House of Representatives passed Heroes Act 10 weeks ago
    • 100 Billion for Schools to reopen
    • 1 trillion for state and local governments
    • Continued unemployment benefits
  • Post office is being manipulated as a political tool
  • Senate has just started crafting Coronavirus relief bill 9 days ago
  • Big Cat Bill
  • Bird Safe Buildings Act

Q&A at meeting

Will payroll protection plan be extended? : Would like to see it extended to help the people in need, but there is a stalemate on extending relief for the pandemic currently.

Why are we paying people extra to not work with extra unemployment benefits? : Research has shown that people want to go back to work and the data suggests that people are not taking advantage of this program. People legitimately can not make the same amount at their job, or their fob is unsafe to go back to.

6th District State Senators Sara Feigenholtz Office Update – Henry Maltezos

12th District Representative Yoni Pizer – Cameron Rich

  • Contact (773) 348-8974 |
  • Unemployment fraud is running rampant contact IDES or Rep Pizer’s office.
  • Merlo Library Reopened.
  • Don’t forget to fill out your census.
  • Passed legislation to support a women’s right to choose.

Q&A at meeting

Is it smart to push voting by mail when fraud seems to be an issue and why is the state pushing for it? The Pandemic makes it difficult and dangerous to vote in person.

46th Ward Update –Alderman James Cappleman

  • Lots of trees fallen from the recent storms. More than 2000 streets blocked in the city
  • Howard Brown is currently taking input from the triangle neighbors about their new facility on Broadway.
  • Howard Brown New Youth Center on West Irving Park Road is breaking ground.
  • Police Reform:
    • CPAC Bill– May violate state law and needs to be sorted out, does not get the support of Alderman Cappleman
    • GAPA Bill- Supported by both Alderman Cappleman and Tunney, but stuck and may not move forward.
  • Homeless people living under viaducts in the ward
    • Hire 1 agency to oversee services and reach out
    • Use results oriented approach

Q&A at meeting

Why is Howard Brown not engaging community about the youth center project on Irving Park Road? : They have been, but don’t legally need any approvals to do what they have planned for the space.

Is Islamic College project moving forward? : No further communication has happened on this project and it is unclear if it is moving forward.

Are developments moving forward at a normal pace in the ward with the pandemic? : Yes everything seems to be moving forward as normal.

Is there any new information about the New York Building front lot development? : They will actually be presenting to ELVN at an upcoming meeting.

44th Ward Update –Alderman Bennet Lawson

  • Look for information on ward website
  • Parks are still closed, if people do need to use parks they are not being cleaned and people should plan to disinfect and be sure to wash hands after using. Even thought parks are closed we understand that people do need to leave their apartments.
  • If you would like to help restaurants in the neighborhood thrive, please reach out to the 44th ward office.
  • The lake is very dangerous at this high of level, please stay away and be safe.
  • Treasure Island site on Broadway is starting excavation.
  • Adjacent Parking lot structure to south of Treasure Island site on Broadway has come down, more details to follow.
  • With all the trees and branches that fell during the recent storms please stay away from power lines that are down. All power lines should be assumed to be charged

Q&A at meeting

Will there be a Boys Town name change? The strip of Halsted is known as North Halsted Entertainment District and the term Boys Town is not used for any official purposes. The Alderman’s office is currently researching the issue and will be continuing a conversation on the idea of a name change to the area.

Cubs Update – Heather Way Kitzes

  • Hotel Zachary has reopened to the public as of August 3rd. Hotel bars are still closed, West Loop Bakery has reopened
  • Neighborhood grounds crew cleanup September 5th. Kelly Park and Challenger Park will be focused on.

Crime Update – Mike Zink

  • Nothing new to report in the neighborhood, please stay vigilant will all the unrest going on in the city.

New/Old Business

  • Maggie Koehler is moving out the ELVN border and will be stepping down from her board position. There will be a appointment process to replace her
  • Seminary shared street is requesting a letter to move forward making Seminary a shared street to both vehicle traffic and pedestrians. Chester is formulating a letter.
  • Next ELVN Meeting will be held in September8th at 7:00pm over Zoom