September 15, 2020 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Mike Zink at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting was held over Zoom Conference Call.
Directors Roll Call
Board Present:
- Mike Zink, President
- Patrick Nagle, Vice President
- Aileen Tien, Treasurer
- Brian Murphy, Secretary
- Megan Cullen-Grochowiak
- Brandon Cunningham
- Jean O’Neill
- Kit Welch
- Heather Way Kitzes
- Tom Rothschild
- Marty Wallace
- Maureen Martino
6th District State Senators Sara Feigenholtz Office Update – Henry Maltezos
- Don’t forget to fill out Census
- Unemployment benefits is currently the most common issue.
- People can’t get through to IDES with issues
- People have had their identities stolen and applied for unemployment
- Contact 773-296-4141
Q&A at meeting
Q: Any updates about fraudulent credit cards being sent out to people who didn’t file for unemployment? IDES uses these cards to get unemployment benefits to people. : A: No, please contact our office and we will facilitate getting you help. This is an ongoing issue. You can also reach out IDES directly. 12th District Representative Yoni Pizer – Rep. Pizer & Cameron Rich
- Contact (773) 348-8974
- Please contact office if you need additional help with IDES benefits or fraud.
- Census Deadline is coming, please fill out before September 30th deadline.
- Make a plan for voting. Get your mail in ballot as early as possible and returned to make sure your vote is counted.
- Howard Brown has broken ground on the Howard Brown Youth Center 1023 W Irving Park Road with a June 2021 completion projection. This project was completed with state funding.
- Kelly Park cleanup day was a big success.
- Working on Clean Energy Jobs Act
5th Congressional District Update – Ellie Song
- Offices are open for phone and Email
- 773-267-5926
- Please reach out to office with Immigration issues.
- Office is available to help with seniors issues including Life line phone service
- Office can help facilitate IRS issues
46th Ward Update –Alderman James Cappleman
- Business interruption grants now available, $220 million in new funding
- Seminary shared street, CDOT placing signs is underway
- 2020 City of Chicago budget shortfall stands at $800 million. City needs input on budget.
- Accessory dwelling units ordinance coming to help with affordable housing by allowing things such as coach houses and dwellings above garages.
– Q&A at meeting
How can we give feedback on the city budget? : Follow link
What is the Seminary shared street? : A way to slow traffic and make street more pedestrian friendly.
Where will elevated train be getting cleaned from? : Seminary and Waveland
Can under elevated train lights be turned back on for safety? : Office will continue to pester CTA about this issue, they are being slow to respond.
44th Ward Update –Alderman Bennet Lawson
- Look for information on ward website and get on the ward email list:
- Calvin Catrell is the new community liaison.
- Fill out your census.
Cubs Update – Heather Way Kitzes
- NL playoffs will take place in Texas
- AL will be in California
- World Series will be held in Arlington Texas
- Gallagher Way will remain closed for the foreseeable future
- Zachary Hotel is open with extra seating on Paterson to help with social distancing
Special Thank You to Heather and Brandon for cleanup in Kelly Park
Treasurer Report: Aileen Tien
- 32,000 plus currently in bank account
Q&A at meeting
What is the plan for donations to neighborhood organizations this year with no funds coming in from Oktoberfest? : Please send ideas in to Michael Zink to be discussed at future meetings. Generally donations are distributed around the holiday season.
Oktoberfest Update: Patrick Nagle
- Oktoberfest 2021 is 369 days away Crime Update – Mike Zink
- Armed Robbery during daylight hours.
- Virtual CAPS meeting is coming up, please attend.
Howard Brown Youth Center: Noah Luken
- 1023 W Irving Park Road
- Masonry building
- Patch work quilt façade
- June 2021 projected completion
- Moving and expanding existing operation from nearby Broadway Avenue location
Q&A at meeting
Have you had youths hanging out after hours? : No, safety coordinator is on site till close and is last one to leave property.
What if a client causes a problem in the neighborhood and runs into the youth center? : Howard Brown will follow the law.
Do youths have somewhere to go after the shelter closes? : Youth shelters, but there is limited supply of available beds.
Why isn’t housing more of a service provided by Howard Brown? : Housing has not been a part of Howard Browns offerings in the past, and there are no plans to offer it.
New/Old Business
- Lake Shore Drive meeting about the entirety of project will be around the End of September
- Next meeting will be held over Zoom on October 13th at 6:00pm. Please note new start time.