August 10, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Posted On August 23, 2021
The meeting was called to order by President Mike Zink at 6:00 p.m. Meeting was held over Zoom and in person at 19th District Community Room.
Directors Roll Call
- Mike Zink, President
- Patrick Nagle, Vice President
- Brian Murphy, Secretary
- Tom Rothschild
- Heather Way Kitzes
- Patrick Carlson
- Tim Lindsey
- Marty Wallace
Reports-Elected Officials
- 46th Ward Update James Cappleman
- Menu process is starting early this year. 1.5 million allocated
- Email office with suggestions and needs for funding
- There will be police pod cameras and license plate readers being installed on lake shore drive to help with the carjacking problems.
- 2022 budget engagement forum will be at Truman College Thursday 6pm
- 19th District will be a test area for mental health responders there will be a forum on August 30th at the 19th district
- City ward remapping is coming soon
- 640 Irving Park Road Islamic College is not yet ready for zoning committee
- Questions: What are your thoughts on redistricting? Population loses are on the south and west sides and those are the Alderpersons running the process for redistricting. Personally feel that redistricting should not involve alderperson input.
- Why can’t Lake Shore Drive have speed cameras? It is a state law, Not sure the exact reasoning, but will find out.
- 44th Ward Update
- Shred event coming Saturday September 25th
- Rep Croke
- Back to Business Plan will have similar grants as the BIG Grant had 25 million allocated to restaurants. There will be grants available to other industries totaling $250 million.
- Kelly Park has received around $500,000 grant from the state
- Illinois Credit rating was upgraded in the first time in a long time
- Changing state districts will move Representative Croke’s district, but district will still include East Lakeview Neighbors.
- Congressman Quigley – Yoni Pizer
- Infrastructure bill looks like it is going to pass. This will help with Redline extension and replacing lead water pipes throughout the city.
- Congressman is looking to pass other bills that would create more green jobs and lower prescription drug prices.
- Question: What is the time frame for making CTA stations ADA compliant? Starting with Blue and Purple Lines now, hoping to do the rest over the next couple years.
- Adjournment. Meeting was cut short by technical difficulties