CPD Police Beat 1925 October 11 meeting


  1. Beat 1925 Crime Update
    IS CRIME REALLY INCREASING IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD? CAPS officers will report on the number of armed robberies, burglaries, retail thefts, and carjackings committed in our neighborhood since our last meeting in August. We will also examine how those major crimes have changed over 2022 and compare that data with crime data from 2019, the year before the pandemic. Those numbers may surprise you.

    Note: As reported at our last meeting, from 6.14.22 to 8.8.22 Beat 1925 had 125 thefts — a 76% increase over June/July of 2021– 9 robberies and four burglaries.
  2. Direct police actions taken in last 60 days to address local crime
  3. State’s attorneys report (Community Justice Center, North)
    COOK COUNTY’S “RED FLAG” LAW… Laws to remove guns from violent and/or mentally ill people are rarely used in Chicago. In light of the July 4th slaughter in Highland Park, what are the procedures that would allow 19th District officers to apply this law effectively?
  4. The emotional toll of police work: Robert Sobo, Psy. D.
    After a surge in police officer suicides, the director of the CPD’s Professional Counseling Service will describe the kinds of stress faced every day by our officers in the 19th District.
  5. The future of policing in the 19th District
    • “COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS” are meetings between residents and top District police personnel to establish policing priorities in the 19th for 2023; Oct. 26th, 6-8pm; Virtual. Zoom link will be announced at meeting. Oct. 27th, 6-8p, in person, District 19 (850 W. Addison).
    • WE NEED CANDIDATES FOR THE NEW 19TH DISTRICT POLICE COUNCIL. This new elective position deserves the best candidates possible. We’ll discuss the responsibilities of this new council and the requirements for office. If you know East Lakeview and you know policing, please consider running. You’ll need 758+ signatures by November 28th.

You can join this TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11th Zoom meeting for Beat 1925 by simply clicking on the link below or pasting it into the search window on your browser.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 8796 4263 //. Passcode: 635770

  • Check out the 19th on social media: Facebook – search “Chicago Police 19th”

John McCarthy
Facilitator, CPD Beat 1925