Anti-Crime Forum

On November 3, 2022, East Lake View Neighbors will host the next in an ongoing series of forums about anti-crime initiatives and best practices in our community. The Zoom registration information for the forum is below. I look forward to seeing you next week!

Michael Zink

President, East Lake View Neighbors

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When:Nov 3, 2022 06:30 PM Central Time(US and Canada)

Please register in advance to obtain the Zoom link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Below is our agenda & anticipated order.  Each participant addressing multiple topics will speak up to 10 minutes.

After all panelists have spoken, we’ll field Q&A from our audience.  The forum is moderated by Michael Zink, ELVN President.

We look forward to seeing you!

PanelistTitleSuggested Topics
Glen Brooks, Jr.Director of Community Policing,
CPD Initiatives Strategic Plan ProcessExpected impact of Safe-T ActHow residents can support CPD 
Aaron Levine Business Liaison Sergeant,
CPD, 19th District, Town Hall
Same topics as Director BrooksPlus, local crime updates, with emphasis on recent shootings, robberies & abductions in ELV 
Sara Feigenholtz State Senator, Illinois General Assembly, Illinois District 6Updates on License Plate Reader (LPR) Fund Appropriation
Lorraine Scaduto ASA, Deputy Supervisor Branch 1/Central Bond Court,
Cook County State’s Attorney Office
Expected impact of Safe-T ActUpdates on recent shootings, robberies & abductions in ELVHow residents can support public safety