46th Ward Back-to-School Event
The 46th Ward is holding a Back to School Event on Saturday, August 17th from 12-4pm at Haymarket House (800 W Buena). The key support needed is donation collection and day-of volunteering. AIC shelter residents will be invited to attend as well!
Donation Collection: The 46th Ward is collecting school supplies at its office to give away at the event. Attached is the full list of items needed. The first 20 people who drop off supplies will receive two free tickets to the Brookfield Zoo OR to the Botanical Garden!
Volunteers: The 46th Ward is currently seeking volunteers to help at various portions of the event. Volunteers are needed from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, and all volunteers are welcome to take a shift that best fits their schedule. If you are interested, please complete this form, and they will be in touch ahead of the event to provide additional details.