Redefine the Drive Lakeview Public Meeting on April 20th
Join us at Temple Sholom, 3480 N Lake Shore Drive, for the upcoming Redefine the Drive community meeting focused on the Lakeview portion of the project....
March 28, 2023 Agenda
The next ELVN meeting will be IN PERSON at the 19th District Police Station, 850 W. Addison, on March 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m....
Board of Directors Nominations for 2023
ELVN is pleased to announce its 2023 slate of candidates for Board of Directors. Voting will occur on March 28, 2023 at 850 Addison in Lakeview....
East Lake View Neighbors 46th Ward Runoff Candidate Forum
ELVN will host a forum for the 46th Ward Alderperson Runoff Candidates on March 29, 2023 from 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. in the lobby of Thorek Hospital....
Survey for Ald. Lawson’s Administration
The 44th Ward has prepared a survey of priorities for the next term. Anyone who lives, works, or owns a business in Lakeview can respond to the survey....