Take the Survey: Last Chance to Weigh In on Wrigley Renovations!
ELVN urges you to share your opinions on the changes that are being passed for Wrigley Field and the surrounding area. We are extremely concerned that the issues have not been clearly defined and are being passed without any vetting. EVERYTHING on the Cubs’ wish list could be APPROVED by July 25th City...
Landmarks Commission Advisory
“The commission asked the team to include ‘everything we could think of’ in its request for new advertising. The commission approved the plan as part of the broader Wrigley Field renovation package but pulled out the proposals for the two big outfield signs, which will be considered at Thursday’s...
Landmarks Commission schedules special meeting
“Under pressure from the Cubs, the Commission on Chicago Landmarks on Thursday called a special meeting for next week to consider the massive influx of stadium signage needed to renovate Wrigley Field without a public subsidy.” East Lake View Resident, East Lake View Neighbors (ELVN) wants to bring to...
Cubs Announce Four Friday 3:05pm Start Times
The Chicago Cubs have announced Friday start times for the remainder of the 2013 season. The four Friday games listed below previously marked as TBD are now scheduled for 3:05pm, CDT. Friday, July 5 vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, CSN-TV Friday, July 12 vs. St. Louis Cardinals, WGN-TV Friday, August 2...
Wrigleyville Neighbor Appreciation Night
Wrigleyville Neighbor Appreciation Night is coming up! If you are interested in attending, your ELVN membership must be paid up. Please RSVP for this event by 7pm on Tuesday, April 9, 2013, to friends@eastlakeview.org. You will be notified by email of the address of the rooftop where this...